Supporting “Pay for Success” Contracts

通过利用新的保护技术和方法,修复投资可以产生更大的影响, including precision conservation and pay-for-success delivery.

Precision conservation is defined as a process of finding the right place, 规模, and time for a best management practice and making sure its working.  A pay-for-success delivery contract defines, with detailed metrics, the expected outcomes of a private company’s work, such as the implementation of restoration projects.  服务的付款取决于在实地衡量的项目绩效(例如.g. 达到或超过商定的营养素和沉积物负荷减少磅数的指标).  该公司从自己的资金来源为修复提供资金,只有在项目成功实施时才会得到补偿.  So, governments are purchasing outcomes not just funding projects.  When precision conservation and pay-for-success are combined, the conservation movement reaches an entirely new era.

这种项目交付结构正在马里兰州由自然资源部和运输部实施,取得了令人鼓舞的成果.  这种做法的一个版本在弗吉尼亚州已经实施了好几年,效果不错.  这种方法吸引了营利性公司与非营利组织合作, including the Chesapeake Conservancy, to support the desire to restore streams and rivers, often on permanently conserved lands, and reduce pollution to the Chesapeake Bay.

下面, 请看普林西比奥溪一个成功的“按成功付费”合同修复项目的“之前”和“之后”的照片.

The following was written by 比尔•基尔比总统, 塞西尔土地信托

Stream restoration project


Early in the summer of 2017, two articles were published that have served as the impetus for this paper.

The Environmental Policy Innovation Center paper “Nature, Paid on Delivery” featured leadership efforts in Louisiana, 加州, 马里兰

内华达州为私人投资自然资源恢复和保护项目创造基于成果的机会.  马里兰州部分描述了自然资源部(医嘱)在切萨皮克湾流域试验“成功付费”方法减少污染的意愿.  塞西尔土地信托(解释水平理论)和生态系统投资伙伴(EIP)向前申请切萨皮克和大西洋海岸湾信托基金赠款.  解释水平理论和EIP将在河流修复完成后获得减少污染的付款,付款期为五年.

The second article “Coase Call—the theory of the firm” appeared in the July 20, 《十大赌博正规老平台》2017年“六大经济学思想”系列文章的第一篇.英国出生的经济学家罗纳德•科斯(Ronald Coase)于1964年移居芝加哥大学.  1991年,科斯凭借两篇论文的实力获得了诺贝尔经济学奖. 第一个, 1937年出版的《十大赌博平台排行榜》阐述了商业关系的要求. 在第二个, a 1960 publication “The Problem of Social Cost,” Coase argued that private input could resolve social problems, such as pollution, as long as private property rights were observed and transaction costs were low. 这些理论可以在2017年的经济和社会条件下使用,这一事实无疑验证了李博士的观点. Coase receiving the Nobel Prize for his work.

In addressing the validity under today’s condition, 问题就变成了如何开发一种简单到足以成功的“成功付费”商业模式, yet complex enough to be profitable for both our monetary and social goals?

第一步是确定和收集项目目标所需的专业知识,其中包括恢复24条河流走廊.8 acres while reducing 6219 lbs of nitrogen, 1850磅的磷和1344吨的沉积物到达切萨皮克湾.  开发该模型的四个关键参与者已经通过马里兰州医嘱在各种保护项目上合作了20年.  A mutual trust had been established, a key element in any business relationship, in each individual partner’s ability to deliver on their part of the deal.

The 医嘱 Rural Legacy Land Preservation Program served as a base model.  一个非营利组织, 解释水平理论, 是否获批购买优先物业的保育地役权.  Grant funds were issued when the easement came to closing, “pay for success.”  The twist with stream restoration projects was the cost, 工程, permitting and the expertise 要求 for restoration work.  事实证明,EIP的成功缓解工作历史非常适合推动业务模式向前发展.

The use of private equity funds to front fund costly restoration projects, pencils out as an effective approach.  第一个提交的项目的成本约为每磅减氮800美元,而医嘱的传统项目成本为每磅2000美元.

The 解释水平理论-EIP relationship is one of co-dependency, in a positive way.  Neither partner could achieve its goals without the other.  解释水平理论作为一个非营利性组织,其社会使命是为社区的土地和水资源保护工作提供服务.  The business model needs these community connections, as 解释水平理论 has the ability to bring local resources together, including county government, soil conservation, 地主, 医嘱 and local sub-contractors.  EIP有能力为昂贵的保护项目提供前期资金,同时为投资伙伴提供回报,这为非营利性保护社区提供了一个全新的机会.


Stream Restoration Projects – Cecil County



接受就业创造,养老金制度的资金,高效和有效地使用国家资金.  塞西尔县在WIP信用上的花费更少,最重要的是,切萨皮克湾更清洁,生产率更高.


创造收入流,为教师养老金制度和其他机构提供资金.  通过使用分包商,EIP为不断增长的环境经济创造了就业机会.


Fulfills its social mission of protecting land and water resources, while receiving an administrative fee.



Soil Conservation


County Government

Receives the WIP credits generated by the project.


切萨皮克和海岸湾信托基金能够通过成本效益和有效使用国家资金来实现其恢复目标.  在这个模型项目中,每磅减少氮的成本是800美元,而不是2美元,000 per pound in traditional projects.

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]